Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Flickr War

Well it has been a couple of months into Grace and my Flickr war. Since I got her a Flickr, we have been in a little completion to see how could get more view by the time of her next birthday. So far things have been going in my favor, but Grace is starting to make a comeback by posting to Flickr groups like I have been doing for a while. Here is my monthly tally and Grace should be posting hers to her blog later tonight. If you haven’t taken a look at our accounts now would be a good time.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Photo 203 – Lighting and Studio Techniques Final

The lighting class had a practical final in which they needed to shoot a white cup of coffee with a white saucer on a white seamless background. The concept was to use no more than two lights to create mood and drama in the photo. The class was given information on the assignment a week before the final so they could get the props and try testing some ideas. Cliff was going to give extra credit to any team that was able to get steam to come off the coffee in their shot. The assignment also had a special prop that would be given during the night of the final. When everyone was given their assigned stations they were also given sugar cubes. They had to use at least three cubes and work it into their idea for the shot. Once the final started, Cliff and I were walking around checking up on the progress of the teams. After a couple of minutes into the final, Cliff started to wonder if what he envisioned was the same thing as what his students were doing. He imagined something with more mood while most of the teams were lighting everything including the bright white background. For an hour's worth of work everything looked fairly good. With more time I think all the groups would have done great. There was one group that did get what Cliff was hoping for. Craig Norris and his group came the closest. It was shot with one light and the background was left dark to create the drama. Craig posted the shot his blog.

Lighting Class Practical Final
Each group for the final project was give a tabletop with white seamless and a two light preset up. Anything else that they might have wanted had to have been brought from home.

Lighting Class Practical Final
Cliff talks to his students about the final and group assignments.

Lighting Class Practical Final
Craig is the first to see the "special" item that had to be placed in the photo. There had to be at least three sugar cubes included in the coffee cup shot.

Lighting Class Practical Final
The last minute rules and instructions for the classes final.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Orange County Fair Photo Contest

Well, last night was the deadline to enter the OC Fairs photo contest. I managed to get my photo entries in at the very last hour. Grace and Krista where also suppose to enter, so I guess I will find out later today if they did. Here are the photos that I entered.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Tastier Business Card

I was looking around at some videos and came across one that seen to be a great idea. A company is trying to make meat business cards. It will definitely be a hit at parties, even though no one will remember your information once they eat it. Other then that the concept is great. Environmentalist will love it since it doesn't use any paper and is 100% recyclable, or at least edible.

Depending on the cost once it is available i might have to see about trying it.

Cypress At Night

Now that the semester has wrapped up, I have started to get a chance to edit some of the pictures that I took during it. In March, the Cypress College tested the new lights that were installed at the base of the Campanile. On the second night of the test there was a low cloud cover. When the lights shot straight up lighting the campanile it caused a diamond shape in the sky. When I first saw the light hitting the clouds it immediately reminded me of the bat-signal from Batman. Ever since the second night of the testing of the lights the college has not turned them on. Maybe there will be another chance to see them in action next semester.

Leaving the night light on

Leaving the night light on

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Invisible Man

I was recently introduced to Hulu by Krista. While looking around the programming I found an old show that I really liked. The Invisible Man which was around for 2000 to 2002. It was a great show but the cost of the special effects doom the show. They never where able to reuse any of the effects, but the effect after the pilot really looked good. I recommend this as a free watch on Hulu.

Funny Quote

I was looking up a problem that my brother had with his new phone the LG Dare. Apparently he has been having problems getting his new computer to recognize it, something about the USB drivers and Vista. I spent about five minutes looking up the problem and came across a forum that looked like it might help. I am going to check if it is the solution to his problem once he gets back from work but the quote left by the person that had the solution was great. Very typical of computer problems.

“You have very successfully added 2 and 2 together and gotten a beaver. You are so far off the mark you have left numbers all together and entered addition with mammals.”

I know Grace is going to laugh and say “See that is why you get a Mac”, but as a computer person I also know that not everything just works on a Mac.

Friday, May 15, 2009

People in Motion

Last week I got a chance to see the Cypress College Theater's "People in Motion". The show had great music, lighting, dances, and dancers. My friend, Jillian Davis, designed the lighting for the Wizard of Oz dance piece. The red, green, blue rainbow effect worked great, but the yellow brick road seemed a bit green the night I was shooting. This should have been corrected for the performances with the audiences.

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion

People in Motion