Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Latin Evening Five

Friday was the fifth Latin Evening event at Cypress College. It was put on by the Patrons of the Arts and the ticket sales are going towards scholarships for the students within the Fine Arts Department. The evening started a little early when the house went off queue and opened the theater early to the audience. This gave people a little something extra though; they where able have a seat and see some of the sound checks and what goes into the setup the show.

The music was the main focus of the evening with everything from folk to jazz. They even had an entire choir for several of the songs. The end of the first half of the night the choir ended with an audience participation of La Bamba from Ritchie Valens. During the second half of the show I noticed some of the students that are in my Jazz History class performing. I remember hearing our instructor singing the song that they sung during some of our classes for example of jazz styles, but I can not remember the name of it right now. Throughout the night there were several dances. There were two dancers that really stuck out. They had donated there time and skills as professional dancers from Disneyland to help put on the two tangos for the night. All the dances and dancers that night did a great job and put on an excellent show.

The lighting designer did a great job for the show. The lights really helped with the mood and added great accents to the show. I also liked the gobo affects that were used on some of the moving lights to give scattered light patterns to break up the flood lights. The use of the harmonious colors also played well with the stage setup. The choice of lighting looked great throughout the entire evening.

During the entire evening the Patrons of the Arts sold tickets for a 50/50 drawing. At the end of the night the winning ticket holder decided to donate the $110 winnings back to the Patrons of the Arts scholarship fund on behave of his two children. That was a very generous gesture that some student will be very thankful for. I never got his name but I did manage to get a picture of him and his two kids to archive with the Patrons of the Arts.

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

A Latin Evening 5

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