Vote early and vote often. I really believe in that statement. Without the citizens of this country voting, we leave ourselves open to a government that feels it does not have to answer to its people. With that said, this is one of the first elections that I was really proud to take part in. This election more people took time out of there busy lives to vote for the next President of the United States. Because of the popularity of this election, more people that would not have voted went out and became more active in our government. By voting for our next President they also voiced there opinions on other issues and bonds. This is truly an election to be proud of being a part of. The Presidential race also made history with Barack Obama becoming the President Elect and will be our next President in January. Even though I was a John McCain supporter, I congratulate Barack Obama on winning the long fought race. This was the toughest Presidential race for me since I began voting in the 2000 election. I really wasn’t sure which way I would vote until I was at the polling place standing in front of the voting machine. I hope that the changes that Barack Obama has talked about will come and be beneficial to all the people of this fine country. Democracy in action, whether you agree with all the choices that were made or not at least you had the chance to help choose.
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